User Interface

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The Starium XCV main user interface is made up of two sections: horizontal Information Bar and vertical Navigation Bar.
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User Interface

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Information Bar

Empire Name
Federation Name
Federation Rank

Home - Returns to Accounts page.

Messages - Indicates the number of unread internal messages.

Quadran(Ø) - In game currency earned through game play or purchased by the player.

Exocredits(ξ) - In game currency generated by production and trade.

More Options
More Options
- Accounts
- Preferences
* Privacy
* Notifications
* Graphics
* Tutorial
- Logout

Navigation Bar

Empire Heraldry - Clicking on shield opens the Empire Dashboard with extensive information about the empire. If player belongs to a Federation, its' heraldry appears below and to the right of the empire heraldry.

Leader Bust - Clicking on primary leader's bust opens Leader popup with information about all commissioned and non-commissioned leaders.

Leader Name - Primary leader's name

Map - Galactic Map which identifies nearby star systems along with jump and scanning distances.

Vault - Virtue Vault which organizes and plays Virtues acquired by the empire.

Worlds - Planets or moons where the empire controls land areas.

R&D - Empire's technology tree called the Lexicon.

Diplomacy - Empire's diplomatic relationships with other empires and available agents.

Armies - Information about the empire's armies and the means for creating new army units.

Fleets - Information about the empire's fleets and the means for creating new spaceship designs.

Back - Returns to last Map view and defaults to Galactic Map.

Sound on/off
Sound Volume & Off - Use with background music, chimes & control sounds.

Help - Opens new popup with context specific information.

Zoom In & Out
Zoom In & Out - Use plus sign (+) to zoom in and negative sign (-) to zoom out.

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