Sun Map

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Clicking on the sun displayed in the System map opens the Sun Map. It details activities in orbit around a system's star. This is important because fleets can only arrive and depart a system from the star's orbit.

Sun Map

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Things you will find in sun's orbit:

Player Fleet
Fleets - Any number of fleets can be in orbit at the same time. The green example here is for one of the player's fleets with empty troop carriers. The 1040 is the tonnage of the fleet. The player's federation heraldry would appear to the right of the empire's heraldry if available.

Beacon - Used by a player to broadcast information to other players. Beacons can be positioned on the System Map at specific orbits; star, world or moon. Beacon messages are preset, but players can include empire name and contact information are part of the message.

Quantum Gatep
Quantum Gate - Located in orbit and used by fleets to travel one way from gate to gate across space.

Wormhole - Located in orbit and used to travel from wormhole across space to unpredictable locations.

Space Debris
Space Debris - Ship wreckage from a space battle.

Space Debris with Leader Tomb

Space Debris with Escape Pod - Ship wreckage and leader's escape pod or tomb from a space battle.

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